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Expert advice backed by the latest research—for seniors and caregivers alike.

An adult child smiling and standing with her parents while on a hike outdoors.

October 31, 2024

Activities to Do with Your Senior Parents

Spending quality time with aging parents is more than just a duty—it’s a privilege that can deeply enrich the lives […]

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A sad looking senior man looking at a distance while he sits on his bed.

5 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues for Seniors

5 ways to beat the winter blues for seniors include:
Staying active where you can
Keeping an eye on your diet
Trying some holiday baking
Flexing your creative muscles
Setting up a get-together

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Two seniors walking outside holding yoga mats and a water bottle, smiling as they head to their stretching class.

10 Good Stretching Exercises for Seniors

Staying active and maintaining flexibility can greatly improve daily life for older adults. Imagine being able to move with ease, […]

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