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Activities to Do with Your Senior Parents

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An adult child smiling and standing with her parents while on a hike outdoors.

Spending quality time with aging parents is more than just a duty—it’s a privilege that can deeply enrich the lives of both you and your loved ones. Activities to do with your parents can include various indoor and outdoor activities, special occasions, and community engagements that you’ll both enjoy.

Whether your parents live alone or in senior living communities, engaging in meaningful activities together fosters emotional connections, mental stimulation, and physical well-being.

Indoor Activities to Do with Your Senior Parents

Indoor activities can include games, creative projects, and culinary delights.


Games are a fantastic way to keep the mind sharp while having fun. Consider classic board games like Scrabble or chess, which require strategic thinking and problem-solving skills. Card games such as Bridge or Rummy are also enjoyable and mentally stimulating.

Playing these games can help maintain cognitive functions and improve memory. Engaging in friendly competition can strengthen social bonds and create opportunities for laughter and joy. Even digital games on devices designed for older adults can offer a modern twist to this timeless activity.

Crafting & Creative Projects

Arts and crafts provide an outlet for creativity and self-expression and provide many benefits. Simple projects like knitting, painting, or scrapbooking can be relaxing and rewarding.

Crafting sessions offer an opportunity for storytelling and sharing memories. You might even discover talents your parents have, fostering a sense of accomplishment and pride. The finished products also serve as cherished memorabilia or gifts for loved ones to keep.

Cooking & Baking Together

 Smiling adult child and mother rolling pastry dough together in the kitchen.

Cooking and baking are delightful ways to bond. Choose recipes that are easy to follow and involve multiple steps, allowing for teamwork and interaction. Preparing a family recipe can evoke nostalgic memories and open conversations about the past.

The benefits of cooking extend beyond the kitchen. Cooking together can help maintain essential skills, promote better nutrition, and become a weekly tradition everyone looks forward to. And, of course, enjoying the delicious results together is the cherry on top!

Outdoor Activities to Do with Your Senior Parents

If mobility allows, you can spend time with your parents outdoors.

Nature Walks & Hiking

A stroll through a park or a gentle hike offers numerous health benefits. Plus, you can tailor walking to different fitness levels so your parents can participate.

These outings provide an excellent opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations and observe the beauty around you. Take binoculars for birdwatching or a guidebook to identify local plants and flowers, turning your walk into an educational experience.


Gardening is a therapeutic activity enjoyed in various settings, from a backyard garden to a small balcony or even indoor potted plants. Planting, nurturing, and watching plants grow can be incredibly fulfilling and provide positive therapeutic benefits.

Special Occasions & Holidays

Special activities can be based on themed gatherings, creating personalized gifts and memorable experiences.

Themed Gatherings

Celebrating special occasions with themed gatherings can add excitement and joy. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or holiday, planning a themed event can make the day extra special. Consider decorations, costumes, and activities that align with the theme.

You can tailor these celebrations to the interests and preferences of your parents. Involving them in the planning process can also enhance the experience, giving them something to look forward to and cherish.

Personalized Gifts

Giving personalized gifts shows thoughtfulness and love. Consider creating custom photo albums, memory books, or a family tree. These activities can be a heartfelt way to celebrate your shared history and create lasting keepsakes.

Personalized gifts bring joy but also serve as tangible reminders of your love and care. They can be displayed proudly and revisited whenever your parents want to relive those precious moments.

Creating Memorable Experiences

Special occasions offer the perfect opportunity to create memorable experiences. Plan outings to favorite places, such as museums, a theater, or a beloved restaurant. Creating these experiences helps build a treasure trove of memories you and your parents can reminisce about for years.

Community Engagement

Community engagement and activities can benefit you, your parents, and the community.

Participating in Community Events

Community events provide a chance for older adults to stay connected and engaged. Look for local festivals, fairs, or cultural events that align with your parent’s interests. These events can help them explore new experiences and meet new people.

Participation in community activities fosters a sense of belonging and reduces feelings of isolation. It also offers an opportunity to interact with people of all ages, enriching their social lives and broadening their horizons.

Volunteering Opportunities

Volunteering is a fulfilling way to give back to the community while staying active and engaged. Look for opportunities that match your parents’ skills and interests, such as helping at a local food bank, library, or animal shelter.

Volunteering promotes a sense of purpose and accomplishment. It allows older adults to contribute meaningfully to society and connect with others who share similar values and passions.

Stay Connected to the Community

Staying connected to the community is vital for overall well-being. Encourage your parents to join clubs, groups, or classes that interest them. Many senior communities offer programs specifically designed for older adults, ranging from fitness classes to group workshops.

Explore Activities in Senior Living

Engaging in activities with older parents is a beautiful way to strengthen your bond, enhance their well-being, and create lasting memories. Whether through indoor games, outdoor adventures, special celebrations, or community involvement, every moment spent together is precious.

If you want to explore senior living communities and the activities they provide to support loved ones, contact The Terrace at Chestnut Hill to learn more. 

Written by
Bridge Senior Living

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